Heart of Slough

Analysis of Daylight and Sunlight Impact as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment

Heart of Slough Regeneration Project

The Heart of Slough regeneration sought to provide 1600 new residential units, some 120,000 m2 commercial and community space as well as a new bus station next to the railway station on the Great Western Main Railway Line.

A Daylight and Sunlight analysis was carried out as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment that supported the planning application.

The application was succesful and plannng consent was granted.

The scale of the development meant that an outline planning application based on an indicative masterplan was submitted. The complexity of the proposal and the indicative nature of the layout plan poses particular challenges for daylight and sunlight analysis.

The daylight and sunlight report was prepared in line with the BRE guidelines set out in “Site Layout Planning for Daylight and Sunlight. A guide to good practice” by Paul Littlefair.

The report included information about the effects on neighbouring properties as well as an analysis into the availability of daylight and sunlight for the new residential units, office buildings and communty space.

Specifally the following parameters were analysed:

  • Vertical Sky component on neigbouring properties
  • Likely avaialble daylight on new properties
  • Annual Probable Sunlight Hours on neigbouring properties
  • Annual Probable Sunlight Hours on new properties
  • Overshadowing to Gardens and Open Spaces both within the new development as the surrounding area
Do you need help with your project?

Before we give you a fee proposal we would like to discuss the project with you first. We would like some basic background information such as the location of project, the local planning authority in the area and the nature of the project to prepare for the call. After the conversation we will prepare a fee proposal and when you accept we will start preparing the report.

The easiest way to arrange a call back is to book an appointment in our diary. Alternatively you can gives us a call on 03303 410210 or complete the form below and leave your contact details.

Call us on 03303 410210 to ask for a fee proposal or complete the form below.

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